Monday, April 5, 2010

2010 metamorphose

I have decided to abandon my old blog and start new. This is mainly due to the fact that so much of my life is different than it was when I began my old blog. In order to leave the past where it belongs (yet still honoring the process of change), I will not write down all the reasons why I feel that it is time for something new, that I am new, that my life is something different than it ever has been before (at least in some important ways). It will have to suffice to say that change has come.
Welcome to my new blog titled, "My own metamorphose."
Although the title may sound a bit corny, I am a great believer in the power of words and in the power of intention. Since it is my intention to continue to grow in my life, my writing, photography and my (eventual) profession, metamorphose seemed an appropriate word to use for this blog.

The intention of this blog is to have a creative space to express myself through writing and photography. I intend to push my writing to new levels here. By nature I am not a story teller, at least not what I traditionally think of as a storyteller. When I was a teenager I had a friend who would make up the most elaborate, fantastical, fiction stories. She would make up all kinds of stories with all sorts of interesting characters who came from far away worlds that never existed until she imagined them and then shared them with others. I was always in awe of her story-telling abilities and I never thought of myself as having any such gifts. I, on the other hand, have always had a propensity for stating the obvious. I have been interested in politics, people and things that happing around me, and those have become the subjects of my writing overall. Although I spent most of my childhood daydreaming, playing, and imaging that my sisters (and brother) and I lived in Narnia, I never really thought of myself as a storyteller per se. What I have come to realize is that we are all storytellers in some way or another. We all have our stories we tell time and again, there's the stories of our own lives, the stories we have heard, etc. And it seems like the more we tell them, the more time that has passed since they occured, the more they become sort of fictional. Therefore, I/most of us can think of ourselves as writers- perhaps even fiction writers.

It is not my intention to particularly become a fictional writer, but rather to push my writing past the bounds of news writing (which I have been going to school for and which I believe has sucked some of the creativity from me in general). So, I am excited to be blogging again and to see what happens here. Surely some days it will be a simple rant, a line or two about nothing, a way to vent, etc. But on other days it might just be a place to write my stories.